Maybe it can be useful - can somebody suggest better way to setup fallback font(s)?
private class GdiFontResolver : IFontResolver
private const string DefaultFontName = "MS UI Gothic";
public FontResolverInfo ResolveTypeface(string familyName, bool isBold, bool isItalic)
var style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
if (isBold) style |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
if (isItalic) style |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
using (var font = new Font(familyName, 80, style))
if (font.Name == "Microsoft Sans Serif")
using (var font2 = new Font(DefaultFontName, 80, style))
return GetFaceName(font2.FontFamily, isBold, isItalic);
return GetFaceName(font.FontFamily, isBold, isItalic);
using (var font = new Font(DefaultFontName, 80, style))
return GetFaceName(font.FontFamily, isBold, isItalic);
public byte[] GetFont(string faceName)
var fontName = GetFontName(faceName);
var fontData = GetFontBytes(fontName, GetFontStyle(faceName), 0x66637474);
if (fontData == null) return new byte[0];
var sTTCTag = GetULong(fontData, 0);
if (sTTCTag != GetULong(new []{ (byte)'t', (byte)'t', (byte)'c', (byte)'f' }, 0))
return fontData;
var uiFontCount = GetULong(fontData, 8);
for (int uiFontIndex = 0; uiFontIndex < uiFontCount; uiFontIndex++)
var pos = (int)GetULong(fontData, 12 + uiFontIndex * 4);
var tablesCount = GetUShort(fontData, pos + 4);
for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < tablesCount; tableIndex++)
var tag = GetULong(fontData, pos + 12 + tableIndex * 16);
if (tag == GetULong(new []{ (byte)'n', (byte)'a', (byte)'m', (byte)'e' }, 0))
var offset = (int)GetULong(fontData, pos + 20 + tableIndex * 16);
var count = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 2);
var stringOffset = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 4);
for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < count; nameIndex++)
var platformID = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 6 + nameIndex * 12);
var encodingID = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 8 + nameIndex * 12);
var dataLength = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 14 + nameIndex * 12);
var dataOffset = GetUShort(fontData, offset + 16 + nameIndex * 12);
var nameOffset = offset + stringOffset + dataOffset;
var unicodeName = platformID == 0 || platformID == 3 || (platformID == 2 && encodingID == 1);
var name = unicodeName ? ReadUnicodeString(fontData, nameOffset, dataLength) : ReadStandardString(fontData, nameOffset, dataLength);
if (name != fontName) continue;
// rebuild font and fix offsets
var headerSize = 12 + tablesCount * 16;
var tablesSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tablesCount; i++)
var tableSize = (int)GetULong(fontData, pos + 24 + i * 16);
tablesSize += i < tablesCount - 1 ? (tableSize + 3) & ~3 : tableSize;
var newFontData = new byte[headerSize + tablesSize];
Array.Copy(fontData, pos, newFontData, 0, headerSize);
var runningOffset = headerSize;
for (int i = 0; i < tablesCount; i++)
var tableOffset = (int)GetULong(fontData, pos + 20 + i * 16);
var tableSize = (int)GetULong(fontData, pos + 24 + i * 16);
SetULong(newFontData, 20 + i * 16, (uint)runningOffset);
Array.Copy(fontData, tableOffset, newFontData, runningOffset, tableSize);
runningOffset += tableSize;
if (i >= tablesCount - 1) continue;
while (runningOffset % 4 != 0)
newFontData[runningOffset] = 0;
return newFontData;
return new byte[0];
private static byte[] GetFontBytes(string fontName, System.Drawing.FontStyle fontStyle, int table, int size = 0)
using (Font font = new Font(fontName, 80, fontStyle))
using (Graphics gTemp = SafeGraphics.CreateReferenceGraphics())
IntPtr hFont = font.ToHfont();
IntPtr hdc = gTemp.GetHdc();
IntPtr oldHFont = SelectObject(hdc, hFont);
var fontDataSize = size == 0 ? GetFontDataSize(hdc, table, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0) : (uint)size;
if (fontDataSize == 0 || fontDataSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) return null;
var fontData = new byte[fontDataSize];
var result = GetFontData(hdc, table, 0, fontData, (int) fontDataSize);
if (result == 0xFFFFFFFF) return null;
return fontData;
return null;
SelectObject(hdc, oldHFont);
private static FontResolverInfo GetFaceName(FontFamily fontFamily, bool isBold, bool isItalic)
bool simulateBold = false;
bool simulateItalic = false;
if (isBold && isItalic && !fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic))
if (fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))
simulateItalic = true;
else if (fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic))
simulateBold = true;
simulateBold = simulateItalic = true;
else if (isBold && !fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))
simulateBold = true;
else if (isItalic && !fontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic))
simulateItalic = true;
var faceName = fontFamily.GetName(1033) + GetFontStyle(isBold && !simulateBold, isItalic && !simulateItalic);
return new FontResolverInfo(faceName, simulateBold, simulateItalic);
private static string ReadStandardString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset, length);
private static string ReadUnicodeString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
length /= 2;
var buf = new StringBuilder(length);
for (int k = 0; k < length; ++k)
int ch = (data[offset] << 8) + data[offset + 1];
offset += 2;
return buf.ToString();
private static void SetULong(byte[] data, int offset, uint value)
data[offset] = (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
data[offset + 1] = (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
data[offset + 2] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
data[offset + 3] = (byte)((value) & 0xFF);
private static uint GetULong(byte[] data, int offset)
return (uint) ((data[offset] << 24) | (data[offset + 1] << 16) | (data[offset + 2] << 8) | (data[offset + 3]));
public static ushort GetUShort(byte[] data, int offset)
return (ushort)((data[offset] << 8) | (data[offset + 1]));
private static string GetFontStyle(bool isBold, bool isItalic)
if (isBold && isItalic) return " Bold Italic";
if (isBold) return " Bold";
if (isItalic) return " Italic";
return " Regular";
private static string GetFontName(string faceName)
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Bold Italic") || faceName.EndsWith(" Italic Bold")) return faceName.Substring(0, faceName.Length - 12);
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Bold")) return faceName.Substring(0, faceName.Length - 5);
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Italic")) return faceName.Substring(0, faceName.Length - 7);
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Regular")) return faceName.Substring(0, faceName.Length - 8);
return faceName;
private static System.Drawing.FontStyle GetFontStyle(string faceName)
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Bold Italic") || faceName.EndsWith(" Italic Bold")) return System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Bold")) return System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
if (faceName.EndsWith(" Italic")) return System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
return System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
private static extern IntPtr SelectObject(IntPtr hdc, IntPtr obj);
private static extern IntPtr DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);
[DllImport("gdi32.dll", EntryPoint="GetFontData")]
private static extern uint GetFontDataSize(IntPtr hdc, Int32 dwTable, Int32 dwOffset, IntPtr data, Int32 cbData);
private static extern uint GetFontData(IntPtr hdc, Int32 dwTable, Int32 dwOffset, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] data, Int32 cbData);