PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Making an webpage-pdf-archive application?
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Author:  olavxxx [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Making an webpage-pdf-archive application?


I don't know if my idea is a good or bad one - or if there are applications that do this already.
Here is the issue:
Some old web-systems have been deposited to us.
We have to preserve the web-pages for future compatability.

Seeing as browsers change, one might also think that support for older web-standards might decline in the future.

Some people at my work, want to PDF-convert the entire directory-structure.
The different www-sites have different www-folders, so I would be inclined to have one pdf for each web-folder.

The only problem is that I would then have to:
1) read all web-pages and parse them (this is not so difficult via C# I think).
2) put the web-content, images, etc. in to the pdf-files
3) put metadata as per the PDF/A standard

I have yet to try PDFsharp conversion of webpage/stream, have anyone else tested this yet?
Also, is this a silly application to make? I know the PDF-variants will make it much harder to navigate, as you cant simply just do like in HTML with href, even though you can link to other documents.

I think there are rules about links in PDF/A too, but I have to read more up on the standard.

So, I have 2 ideas as of now:
1) Make the C# webPDF converter.
2) Make a "web tunnel" in PHP, which can convert the images to Tiff files (for archival storage), but display the Jpeg, gif, etc., as they where (via stream and html output - I guess).

So my "support"-case is more a general idea/tip feedback thing.. I didnt find any "general discussion" on this forum - which would have been a better place for this post.

If anyone else is developing something similar, eg. web->pdf (pdf/a), I would be interested in a dialogue :-) Ps. it's non commercial too, I work in a city archive.

Author:  koutnypetr [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Making an webpage-pdf-archive application?


I started writing similar app few days ago and it's really hard (nearly impossible) to write app that translates any page to PDF. I suggest you finding another way, that's my opinion :-)

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