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unable to build 1.30 due to GetFamilies deprecation
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Author:  dennis33 [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  unable to build 1.30 due to GetFamilies deprecation

Using PDFSharp 1.30 but unable to compile the BuildAll-PdfSharp project due to an error in the deprecation of the System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(graphics.gfx) function.

Error 1 Warning as Error: 'System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(System.Drawing.Graphics)' is obsolete: 'Do not use method GetFamilies, use property Families instead' F:\Dev\PDFsharp\code\PdfSharp\PdfSharp.Drawing\XFontFamily.cs 268 18 PdfSharp

The MS advised workaround appears to be to use the System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families, but that assumes the current context, does not use the specified context, which might be a concern.

Here is the change I needed to make (VS 2008 SP1, Windows 7) to get a good compile

Line 268 of XFontFamily.xs commented out

//families = System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(graphics.gfx); // error
families = System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families; // new

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: unable to build 1.30 due to GetFamilies deprecation

This is only a warning!
You can also turn "Treat Warnings as Error" off to compile the original source code.

Author:  MarcelW [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unable to build 1.30 due to GetFamilies deprecation

You can solve the problem without turning off "Warning as error" this way:

#pragma warning disable 618
      families = System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(graphics.gfx);
#pragma warning restore 618

Author:  searock [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: unable to build 1.30 due to GetFamilies deprecation

MarcelW, Thomas Hoevel Thanks a lot for your solution.

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