PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Embedding PDF Font
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Author:  Sai Alluru [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Embedding PDF Font

We are using the following code to EMBED True Type font in PDF but does not seem to embed it. Does any one know a different api or if this feature actually works.

gfx.MUH = PdfFontEncoding.Unicode;
gfx.MFEH = PdfFontEmbedding.Always;

XFont font = new XFont("Mistral", 12.0);
gfx.DrawString("Sai Alluru Text", font, PdfSharp.Drawing.XBrushes.Black, 120, 120);

We are using the latest version from the PDFSharp site.

Author:  Sai Alluru [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Found the usage to embed font

XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEmbedding.Always);
XFont xfont = new XFont("Mistral", 14.0,XFontStyle.Bold, options);

gfx.DrawString("Sai Alluru Text", xfont, PdfSharp.Drawing.XBrushes.Black, locX, texty);

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