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Add a link on Page in PDFSharp *SOLVED*
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Author:  PeterHallengreen [ Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Add a link on Page in PDFSharp *SOLVED*

Hi All,

As the documentation is a "bit" missing in most of the core of PDFSharp, I couldnt get the gfx.PdfPage.AddWebLink(PDFRectangle, url) to work.

The solution was not in this forum, and therefore after several tries, and drawing lots of rectangles, I realized it uses the normal coordinate system, as it does native in PDF.
And not like anywhere else in PDFSharp, where the GDI-coordinate-system is used.

So I you want to add a WebLink, FileLink or DocumentLink , you have to "invert" the Y-position like this :

double height = PdfSharp.PageSizeConverter.ToSize((PdfSharp.PageSize)m_CurrentPDFPage.Size).Height;

PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle rc = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(position.X, height - position.Y), new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(position.X + size.Width, height - (position.Y + size.Height)));
gfx.PdfPage.AddWebLink(rc, url);

Author:  PeterHallengreen [ Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Found a function that did the trick.

// Convert rectangle form world space to page space. This is necessary because the weblink is
// placed relative to the bottom left corner of the page with units measured in point.
PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect rect = gfx.Transformer.WorldToDefaultPage(new PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect(new PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint(position.X, position.Y), size));
PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle rc = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(rect);
gfx.PdfPage.AddWebLink(rc, url);

Author:  DanJourno [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Add a link on Page in PDFSharp *SOLVED*

This solution should be added to the Wiki. Been searching for it for hours.

Thanks PeterHallengreen

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