PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Migradoc cannot embed Microsoft JhengHei in Server 2012
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Author:  peterlcf [ Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Migradoc cannot embed Microsoft JhengHei in Server 2012

Dear all,

I have created a program to insert Chinese with font type Microsoft JhengHei under Windows 7. However when I deploy to Windows Server 2012, Migradoc fail to embed the font into pdf and it also embed Microsoft Sans Serif and the Chinese Characters become square.

I have tried to change the font name "Microsoft JhengHei", "Microsoft JhengHei Regular", which fit the font name in control panel.

Here is my code piece:
string fontChi = "Microsoft JhengHei";
Font fChi = new Font(fontChi);
Style s2 = document.Styles["Heading1"];
s2.Font.Size = 15;
s2.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;

cell.AddParagraph("Some chinese...").Style = "Heading1";

Is there any server configuration in Windows Server 2012 needed in order to make MigraDoc working? Thanks in advance.


Author:  TH-Soft [ Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Migradoc cannot embed Microsoft JhengHei in Server 2012

Hi, Peter!
peterlcf wrote:
Is there any server configuration in Windows Server 2012 needed in order to make MigraDoc working?
Using a Font Resolver will be the clean way.

Granting more permissions to the MigraDoc process (e.g. the Application Pool when run under IIS) should also do the trick.

See also:

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