PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once
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Author:  riccardo [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once

How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once and show it on all pages

I saved a invoice of 10 pages without logo.
After that i add to the invoice a jpg of 10Kb as logo.

The result file size grows of 100Kb.

But when I print my document (without use PDFSharp)
on a pdf printer virtual driver such as BullZip, PrimoPDF, PdfFactory,
the file size growns only by 10Kb regardless of the number of pages.


Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once and sh


You do not show any code and no PDF file.

When using PDFsharp as intended, the image will be included only once, even if it is referenced on many pages.

If you create a single XImage and use that on all pages then there will be no problems.

Author:  riccardo [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once and sh

Thomas Hoevel wrote:
If you create a single XImage and use that on all pages then there will be no problems.

This is probably my problem: I create view objects for each page

I will try to reuse XImage objects

Thank you very much again

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once

There shouldn't be duplicates either when the same filename is used for all XImage objects.

BTW: do you get an increase of 50 kB for a document with 5 invoices?
If not then maybe there is a different issue.

Author:  riccardo [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to insert a picture in the PDF file only once

Thomas Hoevel wrote:
There shouldn't be duplicates either when the same filename is used for all XImage objects.

Unfortunately I create the image from a BITMAPINFO* (C++/CLI)

//PDFSharp does not support 16bit
Bitmap^ AdjustBitDepth(Bitmap^ image)
Bitmap^ newImage = nullptr;
switch (image->PixelFormat)
case PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb555:
newImage = image->Clone(System::Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, image->Width, image->Height), PixelFormat::Format32bppRgb);
case PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb565:
newImage = image->Clone(System::Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, image->Width, image->Height), PixelFormat::Format32bppRgb);
case PixelFormat::Format16bppArgb1555:
newImage = image->Clone(System::Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, image->Width, image->Height), PixelFormat::Format32bppArgb);

if (newImage == nullptr)
return image;

delete image;
return newImage;


XImage^ FromMetaRecord(BITMAPINFO* pInfo, BYTE* bitmapBytes)
Gdiplus::GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;

Gdiplus::DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib(pInfo, bitmapBytes, &bitmap);

System::Reflection::MethodInfo^ mi = Bitmap::typeid->GetMethod("FromGDIplus", System::Reflection::BindingFlags::Static | System::Reflection::BindingFlags::NonPublic);

Bitmap ^image = (Bitmap^)mi->Invoke(nullptr, gcnew cli::array<Object^> { IntPtr(bitmap) });

image = AdjustBitDepth(image);

XImage^ xImage = XImage::FromGdiPlusImage(image);

return xImage;

I am studying a methods to compare BITMAP objects to reuse the same XImage

Thomas Hoevel wrote:
BTW: do you get an increase of 50 kB for a document with 5 invoices?

Yes, its size grows proportional with page number and image size

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