PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

XFont works fine locally but not on server
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Author:  kapetanios [ Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  XFont works fine locally but not on server

I have a c# mvc application that makes use of pdfsharp.

I want to use the "Book Antiqua" font to create a pdf file. I instantiate an XFont object as follows:

XFont font = new XFont("Book Antiqua", 10, XFontStyle.Regular);

This works fine on my local machine but when i publish to my server, it seems to use the default microsoft sans font.

My server is Windows Server 2008 and it does have Book Antiqua font files (regular, bold, bold/italic and italic) installed. All these files have full control permissions to the "users" group on my server.

Would anyone know how to fix this?

thanks in advance,

Author:  () => true [ Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: XFont works fine locally but not on server


Did you reboot the server since the font was installed?

You can try running an application pool with Local System account for your application. If you get the correct with that application pool, then it is a right problem.

I don't know if "users" is the right group if the server uses the default account.

Author:  kapetanios [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: XFont works fine locally but not on server

() => true wrote:
You can try running an application pool with Local System account for your application. If you get the correct with that application pool, then it is a right problem.

Thank you for this suggestion. It fixed my issue.

I guess i could restart the server as well but at the moment that's not an easy option for me.


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