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table cell padding, right aligned tabs
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Author:  jsahol [ Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  table cell padding, right aligned tabs

Two problems for table cells that I'm trying to use for display of a pair of items:
  1. extra "padding" is added to whatever I put in the cell (see red outline)
  2. tab stops are rendered as left-aligned, even though I specified right-aligned:


Breaking it into columns might help the second issue, but the 1st is still a problem since I'm trying to emulate a priinted form as closely as possible. There was another post related to this, with an image instead of a paragraph: viewtopic.php?p=8362#p8362

File comment: console app to duplicate issue
ConsoleApplication1.zip [3.88 KiB]
Downloaded 383 times

File comment: what I see
ScreenJot Cropped 09-02-2014 13 10 22.jpg
ScreenJot Cropped 09-02-2014 13 10 22.jpg [ 11.79 KiB | Viewed 4925 times ]

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: table cell padding, right aligned tabs

Re 1: Columns have a width. If the text added to the cell is shorter than the width of the cell, then there will be nothing - an emptiness that may be seen as "padding".

Re 2: TabStops do work within tables AFAIK - we use them in our application, too. However if the tab stop position is too small and the preceding text already goes past the tab stop, the next tab stop will be used - and this may well be an automatically generated left-aligned tab stop.

I didn't check your source code yet because I am not sure what you try to achieve.

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