PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Just trying to set Security Permissions
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Author:  cosmokenney [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Just trying to set Security Permissions

I'm simply trying to set SecuritySettings on a PDF (in the form of a byte array) that is returned by the ReportViewer object in Visual Studio 2010. I have verified that the PDF returned by the ReportViewer is a valid two page PDF document. The problem is when I open it with the PdfReader, set the settings and save it, the result is a two page PDF document where both pages are completely blank.

With the exception of the MemoryStreams, this is pretty much a verbatim copy of the "Protect Document" example. Any suggestions?

         byte[] bytes = viewer.LocalReport.Render(
               out mimeType,
               out encoding,
               out extension,
               out streamIds,
               out warnings

         MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream( bytes );

         PdfDocument pdfDoc = PdfReader.Open( ms );
         var settings = pdfDoc.SecuritySettings;

         settings.PermitAssembleDocument = false;
         settings.PermitExtractContent = false;
         settings.PermitModifyDocument = false;
         settings.PermitAccessibilityExtractContent = false;

         MemoryStream oms = new MemoryStream( );
         pdfDoc.Save( oms );
         bytes = oms.ToArray( );

         page.Response.Buffer = true;
         page.Response.Clear( );
         page.Response.ContentType = mimeType;
            //"attachment; filename=" + clientFileName + "." + extension
         page.Response.BinaryWrite( bytes );
         page.Response.Flush( );


Author:  () => true [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just trying to set Security Permissions

Can you tell the ReportViewer to create "HumanReadablePDF"?
See also:

Author:  cosmokenney [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just trying to set Security Permissions

() => true wrote:
Can you tell the ReportViewer to create "HumanReadablePDF"?
See also:

Excellent! That's an easy fix. My bad for not searching the forum for SSRS. I assumed the issue was PDFSharp :oops:

So, although this is now producing a readable PDF, it does not effect my ability to copy text. I assume that this is the correct setting to prevent copy:

settings.PermitExtractContent = false;
settings.PermitAccessibilityExtractContent = false;

Any thoughts?

Author:  cosmokenney [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just trying to set Security Permissions

Hi, I'm bumping this, because I really need resolution on it. My deadline quickly approaches.

Author:  () => true [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just trying to set Security Permissions

cosmokenney wrote:
So, although this is now producing a readable PDF, it does not effect my ability to copy text. I assume that this is the correct setting to prevent copy:

settings.PermitExtractContent = false;
settings.PermitAccessibilityExtractContent = false;

Any thoughts?
Looks good. IIRC you have to set an Owner password to make this work.
Do not set a User password if you want to enable users to open the file without entering a password.

Author:  cosmokenney [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just trying to set Security Permissions

() => true wrote:
cosmokenney wrote:
So, although this is now producing a readable PDF, it does not effect my ability to copy text. I assume that this is the correct setting to prevent copy:

settings.PermitExtractContent = false;
settings.PermitAccessibilityExtractContent = false;

Any thoughts?
Looks good. IIRC you have to set an Owner password to make this work.
Do not set a User password if you want to enable users to open the file without entering a password.

Yes, Owner Password did the trick. Thanks.

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