PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Use PDFsharp in a Win 8 Metro App?
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Author:  Ch3rryC0ke [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Use PDFsharp in a Win 8 Metro App?


I'm wondering if anyone has had any success in using PDFsharp in a Win 8 metro app to modify existing PDFs.

I've taken the code and imported it into a new Win 8 metro class library type of project, and ofcourse there are a bunch of errors, primarily because Win 8 metro apps do not support GDI, and support a subset of the .NET framework.

I'm making my way through the 100+ errors to see if I can get at least limited support to compile, but I may have to port significant portions.

Has anyone tried this and had any success?


Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use PDFsharp in a Win 8 Metro App?


On one hand we think that a PDFsharp version for Windows 8 RT is very important and should come ASAP.
On the other hand we are very busy with projects we get paid for so there is no schedule for this version - I cannot say whether it will come this year or later.

Author:  Ch3rryC0ke [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Use PDFsharp in a Win 8 Metro App?

So I'm interested in actually doing the work myself-- the main issues are that PDFSharp relies on GDI+ methods which don't exist in metro style apps, and neither does WPF.. So something similar needs to be used.. maybe XAML.

Do you think you can spare some time to give me some high level guidance on how I would go about doing it? (Making a metro compatible version)..

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