PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Custom Metadata?
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Author:  Derek [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Custom Metadata?


Is there a way to embed custom metadata strings into a PDF created with PdfSharp?

For example, I want to embed


I would then need to read those properties at a later time.

Thanks in advance

Author:  bartekj81 [ Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Metadata?

Hi guys,

This is my first post in here.
I want to attach my question to this topic.

I know how to create new Custom Properties fields in PDF (below):

PdfDocument document = PdfReader.Open(OutputFile);
document.Info.Elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, PdfItem>("/CustProp01", new PdfString("TEST01")));
document.Info.Elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, PdfItem>("/CustProp02", new PdfString("TEST02")));
document.Info.Elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, PdfItem>("/CustProp03", new PdfString("TEST03")));
document.Info.Elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, PdfItem>("/CustProp04", new PdfString("")));
document.Info.Elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, PdfItem>("/CustProp05", new PdfString("")));

Please, note that while I am adding new Custom Properties, I can add also their values - and they are visible later after opening a PDF file.

But I don't know how to update existing Custom Properties??
No matter what I am doing - they don't want to go in.
I tried to use below code (SetValue) - but it doesn't work:

PdfDocument document = PdfReader.Open(newOutputFile);
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp01", new PdfString("TEST01")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp02", new PdfString("TEST02")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp03", new PdfString("TEST03")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp04", new PdfString(myvariable01)));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp05", new PdfString(myvariable02)));

No matter if I use user text or calculated variable - it doesn't update the file.
Am I using wrong options (command) to update existing Custom Properties?

Guys, please help as I have stuck with this for last two days and I can't find any info how to update existing custom properties using PDFSharp.

Best Regards,

Author:  bartekj81 [ Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Metadata?

Guys, I found the reason why it didn't work:

In the previous post you could see that I was opening and updating fields in newOutputFile, while at the end I was saving OutputFile.
This couldn't work obviously even if the data was properly updated.

PdfDocument document = PdfReader.Open(newOutputFile);
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp01", new PdfString("TEST01")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp02", new PdfString("TEST02")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp03", new PdfString("TEST03")));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp04", new PdfString(myvariable01)));
document.Info.Elements.SetValue("/CustProp05", new PdfString(myvariable02)));

So if anyone wants to know how to update existing custom properties - this is the answer.
Just use .Info.Elements.SetValue property.


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