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Footer Alignment
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Author:  tulips [ Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Footer Alignment


I have got the footer alignment problem. I need to put 3 fields in footers. On the right, center and left alignments. I am getting only one of them right depending on the paragraph alignment. I can add AddTab to put it somewhere in center but then the right one doesn't align well and leaves some space. This is my code:

style = document.Styles[StyleNames.Footer];
style.ParagraphFormat.AddTabStop("1cm", TabAlignment.Right);

// Create a paragraph with page number. See definition of style "Footer".
DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;
string date = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dt);
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
paragraph.Format.Borders.Top.Visible = true;
paragraph.AddText(name); // N
paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab();
paragraph.AddText("Seite ");
paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab();
paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab(); paragraph.AddTab();
paragraph.AddText(date); // N
paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

Can you help?


Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Footer Alignment

Simple thing: make the paragraph left-aligned, create two tabs (e.g. center-aligned in the middle, right-aligned at/near the right margin.

This code snippet creates two tabstops for a style (e.g. the Footer style):
style.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.AddTabStop(Unit.FromMillimeter(80), TabAlignment.Center);
style.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.AddTabStop(Unit.FromMillimeter(158), TabAlignment.Right);

Add the left-aligned text, then "paragraph.AddTab();" and the centered text, then "paragraph.AddTab();" and the right-aligned text.

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