PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

MigraDoc and VS C# 2010 Express
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Author:  paket [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  MigraDoc and VS C# 2010 Express

After much Googling, forum searching and head-scratching, I (programming noob) have managed to compile and run the Hello World! application on MS Visual Studio 2010 C# Express. I'll post the step and mis-steps here to help other noobs and to expose my ineptitude to the programming superstars for correction and/or derision.

What didn't work:
1. Downloading PDFsharp-MigraDocFoundation-1_31.zip, extracting and including BuildAll-MigraDoc-WPF.sln. Whoops, it needs to be upgraded.

2.OK let's try double-clicking on BuildAll-MigraDoc-WPF.sln (with the intent of adding it to my project later on). VS complains because it doesn't support solution folders.

3. Let's try to build it from the command line. After locating MSBuild.exe and modifying my path, I try to build BuildAll-MigraDoc-WPF.sln. I now have multiple bin/release folders in MigraDoc.RtfRendering, MigraDoc.Rendering and MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel and no idea which one to pick. Oh dear.

4 Time for a new approach. I download the DLLs (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=409) and extract the WPF folder. Inside that folder I find five DLLs. Which ones to reference? Well, it's getting late and if 'some' is good, 'more' is better. Reference them all!

5. Now VS Express is complaining about WindowsBase.dll. WHAT!?!?! No matter - found a solution here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dmahugh/archive ... e-dll.aspx

6. Take the code listed in the sample (http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/HelloWorld-sample.ashx), add it to an event in a sample project, toss in the usings and SUCCESS!!! IT WORKS!!!!

I hope this helps someone out there, in some small way.

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