PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Image size not displaying correctly
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Author:  aburdette [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Image size not displaying correctly

I am trying to display a user selected image on either a PDF or RTF document. I am using the same method to set up the document but somehow the RTF document comes out different in one way; non-square image's sizes do not render as specified. Bellow is the code I'm using to adjust the size of the image.

Originally I was only setting either the height or the width depending on which one was larger but in an RTF document the size was not coming out correct and I wanted to see what would happen if I set each explicitly. This did nothing to correct the problem.

using (System.Drawing.Image userImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(userInfo.PicturePath))
ImageOriginalHeight = userImage.Height;
ImageOriginalWidth = userImage.Width;

paragraph = row.Cells[0].AddParagraph();
paragraph.Format.SpaceAfter = 2;
image = paragraph.AddImage(userInfo.PicturePath);
image.LockAspectRatio = true;
if (ImageOriginalHeight > ImageOriginalWidth)
image.Height = new Unit(0.73, UnitType.Inch);
image.Width = new Unit((0.73 / (double)ImageOriginalHeight) * (double)ImageOriginalWidth, UnitType.Inch);
else if (ImageOriginalWidth > ImageOriginalHeight)
image.Width = new Unit(0.73, UnitType.Inch);
image.Height = new Unit((0.73 / (double)ImageOriginalWidth) * (double)ImageOriginalHeight, UnitType.Inch);
else { image.Height = image.Width = new Unit(0.73, UnitType.Inch); }

Author:  () => true [ Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Image size not displaying correctly


Just a wild guess: Do not use "image.LockAspectRatio = true;" if you want to set height and width explicitly.

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