PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Writing to a PDF variable
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Author:  Victor.Smith [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Writing to a PDF variable

I have a document created in adobe indesign that I want to personallize for each person that downloads it from my website.

Security is not a real concern.

I just want it to show their name in a few places in the pretty and interactive inDesign PDF. They would also have a cusomized link back to their site profile.

The intention is for them to share the PDF with all the great information and then have people give them points for sharing from right in the document.

The way I was thinking to do this was to make the pdf in indesign. When made it will have Javascript variables in the document.

I was hoping to use PDFsharp to insert the varible values, save the PDF with the person's name and let them download it.

So I don't want to draw or make any new pages, simply set a variable or two.

If that does not work, then simply writing there name on a few pages will work fine too.

Can you let me know if PDFsharp can support doing this?

Victor Smith

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