PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

XGraphics verses Graphics (GDI+) - any gotchas
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Author:  billyBoy [ Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  XGraphics verses Graphics (GDI+) - any gotchas


Just looking at your PDFSharp system and it looks a perfect fit for our needs. Except that we are using GD+ graphics extensively and rely on it for speed and appearance.

For us to ourput our drawings to a PDF we can either refactor our code to use Xgraphics throughout or simply create our drawings on to a bitmap and then display that on the PDF.

My concern is that if we rely on XGraphics are we going to hit any differences between it and Graphics that will cause us grief in the future,

The PDF files may be on large paper (A0) and the bitmap method may create rather larger files than is needed so we'd prefer to go with XGraphics but would like some reassurance before we commit to it.

Great program by the way - well done

All the best and look forward to hearing from you
Regards Phil

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: XGraphics verses Graphics (GDI+) - any gotchas


It was designed to be compatible.

It seems there is a bug with containers:

I think there are some limitations with respect to clipping. These missing aspects won't be implemented in the near future.

The reassurance I can give you: It was designed to be compatible, we'll try to fix bugs, but there are some limitations of the implementation.

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