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ListInfo text indent after bullet character
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Author:  mikesowerbutts [ Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  ListInfo text indent after bullet character


I am passing the following string:
<li>At the beginning of a sales call|Before presenting any new product/service|To build a foundation before moving forward</li>Key Words
still, remain, continue, now, currently

into one of my "Add Cell" functions - the ideal being that it recognises the text inbetween <li></li> as a list and then each list item is delimeted by the "|" character - i know i should have really used <ul><li> but hey...

So my problem is that my text appears like this:
-              At the beginning of a sales call|Before presenting any new product/service
-              To build a foundation before moving forward
Key Words
still, remain, continue, now, currently

Which isnt too bad, but in this instance, space is key on the page and i could really do with the bulleted text being more like this:
- At the beginning of a sales call|Before presenting any new product/service
- To build a foundation before moving forward
Key Words
still, remain, continue, now, currently

To save space....
I basically create paragraph objects for each bullet, then add them to the table cell they belong to. The paragraph objects have a ListInfo object setup like this:
ListInfo _li = new ListInfo();
_li.NumberPosition = Unit.FromCentimeter(0);
_li.ListType = ListType.BulletList1;
_li.ContinuePreviousList = false;

I have used this code in an earlier version of the pdf i am working on and the gaps in between the bullet and the text are much smaller, but I dont think im doing anything different (though obviouly i must be)....

So my question is: Can I control the amount of space after a bullet point character and before the text?



Author:  () => true [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ListInfo text indent after bullet character

Hi, Mike!
mikesowerbutts wrote:
Can I control the amount of space after a bullet point character and before the text?

Yes, MigraDoc just puts a Tab character between bullet and text. Just set tabs, first line indent, left indent of the style you use.

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