PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

PDF-Sharp will replaces eurosign with ?
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Author:  clemenslinders [ Sun May 29, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF-Sharp will replaces eurosign with ?


When I use: gfx.DrawString("€", font, XBrushes.Black, Tab3, RT * RegelHoogte); than it will not put the eurosign on the PDF but a question mark?

I tried using several different font (I tried all fonts in Word and they do not have any trouble displaying the euro sign).

How can I solve this problem?

Greetings Clemens

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon May 30, 2011 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PDF-Sharp will replaces eurosign with ?


Did you try with Unicode on?

From your other post I presume you use LightSwitch. This is the PDFsharp forum. We do not support 3rd party products here, even if those products are based on PDFsharp.

Author:  clemenslinders [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PDF-Sharp will replaces eurosign with ?

Hi Thomas,

That did the trick. I now at least have the euro symbol.

I had no idea i was using a 3rd party version. And I do understand that Silverlight may have some extra problems.

But can you at least give me a sample of how to display graphics using PDF-Sharp.

On your website you have some pictures of cars, however there is no source available, or at least I cannot find it.

Could you at least give me a sample of how to load and display a JPG picture using your standard PDF-Sharp.

Kind regards,

Clemens Linders

Author:  ReinerWolff [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PDF-Sharp will replaces eurosign with ?

Hi Clemens,

look into the samples to PDFSharp.
The direct link to the code there is, I think:
http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/Graphics-s ... al_size_20


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