PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

AddImage gets "Out of memory" Error when using GIF Format
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Author:  YAMU [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  AddImage gets "Out of memory" Error when using GIF Format


I have to load an image in my PDF and I do this by

using PdfSharp.Drawing;
Image image = row.Cells[1].AddImage(string.Format("{0}\\myImage.gif", HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/img/")));

This works well on all systems but not on my Windows Server 2008. Changing the image to a png Format works. Has anyone an idea why gif doesn't work on windows server 2008? Did PDFsharp miss some settings on the server for the gif? I can open a gif-File without of problems from the file system.


Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AddImage gets "Out of memory" Error when using GIF Format

PDFsharp relies on the operating system to read the images.
Different OS routines are used for GDI+ and WPF builds.

If mspaint.exe can read the GIF files, then PDFsharp should also be able to use them. But you may have to switch from GDI+ to WPF or the other way round.

Was that image downloaded from the Internet? Unblock the image if it is blocked (see Properties for that file within Explorer).

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