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Installing help on VS Express Edition 2010
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Author:  GeertVc [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Installing help on VS Express Edition 2010


First off, thanks very much for this powerful, excellent and free PDF package!

While examining the samples, I also wanted to have the handy "F1" help button working in VS EE 2010 for the PdfSharp package. So, I installed the package "PDFsharp-Help-VSIPCC-1_31" using the "setup.exe" application and have put the documentation in a folder on my harddisk.

Now my question: how can I incorporate the PdfSharp help into the VS EE 2010 help system? Currently, if I'm on a PdfSharp class or function with the cursor and I'm pressing "F1", I don't see the help content I was expected to see.

I've tried using "Help | Manage Help Settings | Install content from disk", but that mechanism is expecting to see a manifest file (extension .msha), which is not in the PdfSharp help files directory.

Am I missing some other stuff? Hope someone can help me on this.

PS: OS is Windows XP, SP3 installed.

Author:  GeertVc [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing help on VS Express Edition 2010

Think I found the solution...

VS EE 2010 has another way of creating help files, hence the provided PdfSharp help files for VS 2008 do not comply to this new way of working.

However, there's a (free for personal use) tool called mshcMigrate (downloadable here) which converts "old style" help files into "new style" help files.

When you let the mshcMigrate tool run over the PdfSharp help files, it will end up with a help index file called helpcontentsetup.msha, which then can be added to the VS EE 2010 help system (the way I described it in my original post).

Be aware: in my case, the conversion took 1 hour and 9 minutes!!! So, be patient...

Hope to helped others who are suffering from the same...

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