PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Out of memory
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Author:  Michael [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Out of memory

Hello guys,

We are using your component in our .Net project.
We use it to generate a single pdf from a group of pdfs that were generated in our application.

The process is this:

- We generate our pdf documents using crystal reports.
- The pdf files are stored in a directory in our network
- Another process analyze every single pdf file in the directory and then we use PDFsharp to group all of them file into a single (and bigger) pdf file.

The thing is we are getting an "out of memory" error while processing the single file.
I must admit it's really big (almost 20.000 pages) and it has a couple of images in every single page of the document as well (2 logos 20k max each).

It seems the component doesn't free the memory while processing the pdf file, we think it's a problem with the images.

The questions are:

- Does PDFSharp support sucha a big file?
- Are there any known bugs related with memory loosing in version: 1.0.898.0 (it's the version of the component we're using)?

Thank you all

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of memory

Michael wrote:
It seems the component doesn't free the memory while processing the pdf file, we think it's a problem with the images.

This is a feature, not a bug: PDFsharp keeps everything in memory in order to quickly create PDF files.
The drawback is: everything must fit into RAM.

Author:  Michael [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of memory

Hello Thomas,

First of all, thank you for answering.

I would like to make another question:

Does the component release the memory after creating the pdf?
Everytime we use the component, it consumes the memory, it doesn't release it, so if we launch the process again, we notice the component consumes more memory resouces (as normal), but it's incremented to the memory used the first time that was never released.

We are still talking about version: 1.0.898.0 of the component.

Any suggestions?

Thank you again.

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