PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

how to calculate the height of my header
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Author:  chhavi [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  how to calculate the height of my header


i am trying to get the image of each page of my input pdf document and drawing it on my output pdf documnent along
with header top of image.my header is dynamic ,the height of header will vary according to the content in it.
now the problam i am facing is that , i need to calculate the height and Y position of image based on the height of header
how can i do that?

i can not fix the area for header and image


Document doc = new Document();
Section sec = doc.AddSection();
// Add a single paragraph with some text and format information.
Paragraph para = sec.AddParagraph();


XRect box = new XRect(10, 50, page.Width , (page.Height*80)/100);

// Final content peon one page

MigraDoc.Rendering.DocumentRenderer docRenderer = new DocumentRenderer(doc);
docRenderer.RenderObject(gfx, 30, 0, "12cm", para);

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to calculate the height of my header


Just add paragraph and image to the same document and the image will automatically appear below the paragraph.

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