Hello everyone! Sorry if this is a silly question, I was not able to find an answer.
Given a specific PDF document that I have, using PDFsharp, I want to go over its bookmarks/outlines. For some of these outlines, an /A is defined. I want to get its content. However, I was unable to find it.
For example, one of the outlines is defined as follows:
7142 0 obj
<</Title <FEFF00430031>
/Count -2
/First 7143 0 R
/Last 7144 0 R
/Parent 7141 0 R
/Next 7145 0 R
/A 928 0 R
Given a PdfOutline that represents this object, I can
(1) get its object id using Internals.ObjectId.
(2) get title, first, last, parent, next using the Elements dictionary.
I can't, however, manage to get the /A part. I would appreciate help with that!
(I do know that I can get 928's defined /Goto action using Element["/Dest"]. However, I am not interested in that. Ultimately, interested in the "928" value. (Since object 929 is actually what I'm after, which I currently find using document.Internals.GetObject(), but this is probably unrelated.))