PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on grayscales
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Author:  David_MP [ Wed May 03, 2017 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on grayscales

I'm trying to apply cmyk color to a font or to a paragraph but when I render the pdf all the colors in grayscale are converted in mixed colors.
I'm using that:
style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 25)
style.Font.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 25)

the result of that when I open the pdf with any image editor is solmething like:
c: 64 m: 34 y: 2 k: 0 <-- mixed colors

by other side if I try to do it in pure black :
style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 100)
style.Font.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 100)

The result is fine: c: 0 m: 0 y: 0 k: 100. <-- pure color

Do you know if it's posible to create a gray color without mixed colors?
Thank you

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Thu May 04, 2017 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca

Did you set the Color Mode to CMYK? If not, try this first.

For MigraDoc: Set the UseCmykMode property of the Document object to true.
For PDFsharp: Invoke "document.Options.ColorMode = PdfColorMode.Cmyk;" where document is your PdfDocument object.

See also:

Author:  David_MP [ Thu May 04, 2017 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca

Yes, I did:
Const unicode = False
Const embedding As PdfFontEmbedding = PdfFontEmbedding.Always
Dim pdfRenderer As PdfDocumentRenderer = New PdfDocumentRenderer(unicode, embedding)
pdfRenderer.Document = document

Dim filename As String = sResultFolder & "Result (" & Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss") & ").pdf"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Options.ColorMode = PdfColorMode.Cmyk

But I think that only allows to keep the cmyk profile. The point is the ink result in each color don't keep like I have define.
I need the result in cmyk (0, 0, 0, 25) not a cmyk (241, 241, 241, 0).
Thank you for your answers,

Author:  TH-Soft [ Thu May 04, 2017 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca


You are using MigraDoc, but it seems you still do not set "UseCmykMode".
You only show code fragments and you do not provide a generated PDF.

In the past turning code fragments into something I can debug often proved to be a waste of time.
I assume PDFsharp works correctly when used as intended.

Author:  David_MP [ Fri May 05, 2017 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca

I'm using that code:

'Imports System

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

'Imports to PDF

Imports PdfSharp.Pdf
Imports PdfSharp.Drawing
Imports PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument
Imports PdfSharp.Pdf.IO
Imports MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel
Imports MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables
Imports MigraDoc.Rendering
Imports System.Drawing.Point
#Region " Ini "

    Public Sub New()
        gRenderImage = New clsRenderImage
    End Sub

#End Region

 Public Sub Generate_Test()
        Dim frm As New frmTest

            LineaLog(INFORMATION, "Generating: TEST...")

            ' loading the form
            frm = New frmTest
            frm.Left = -4000

            ' Saving folder...
            Dim sFolderResult As String = ReadOption("Test_FolderResul", gOptions)

            'Generate PDF Test
            Dim document As New Document()

            'Creating the size
            document.DefaultPageSetup.PageWidth = "195mm"
            document.DefaultPageSetup.PageHeight = "285mm"

            Dim section As Section = document.AddSection()
            section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
            section.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False

            'Folder definition
            Dim FolderResources As String = ReadOption("Test_FolderResources", gOptions)
            Dim sFolderResources As String = ReadOption("Test_FolderResources", gOptions)

            Dim image As Shapes.Image = section.AddImage(sFolderResources + "\WHITE_BACKGROUND.png")
            image.Width = frm.background.Width * 0.24
            image.Height = frm.background.Height * 0.24
            image.RelativeVertical = Shapes.RelativeVertical.Page
            image.RelativeHorizontal = Shapes.RelativeHorizontal.Page
            image.Left = Shapes.ShapePosition.Center
            image.Top = Shapes.ShapePosition.Center
            image.WrapFormat.Style = Shapes.WrapStyle.Through

            ' FONT STYLES

            ' TEXT 1
            Dim style As Style = document.Styles.AddStyle("TestFontBlack", "Normal")
            style.Font.Name = "Arial"
            style.Font.Size = 10
            style.Font.Bold = False
            style.Font.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 100)
            style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.AtLeast
            style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 10.85

            'TEXT 2
            style = document.Styles.AddStyle("TestFontGray", "Normal")
            style.Font.Name = "Arial"
            style.Font.Size = 10
            style.Font.Bold = False
            style.Font.Color = Color.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 50)
            style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRule.AtLeast
            style.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 10.85

            'Text 1
            Dim text1 As Shapes.TextFrame
            text1 = section.AddTextFrame()
            Dim paragraphtext1 As Paragraph = text1.AddParagraph()
            paragraphtext1.AddText("TEXT IN BLACK CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100)")
            paragraphtext1.AddText(" AND THE RESULT IS CMYK(0, 0, 0, 100)")
            paragraphtext1.Style = "TestFontBlack"
            paragraphtext1.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left
            text1.RelativeVertical = Shapes.RelativeVertical.Page
            text1.RelativeHorizontal = Shapes.RelativeHorizontal.Page
            text1.Width = 1000
            text1.Height = 100
            text1.Top = Unit.FromPoint(100)
            text1.WrapFormat.DistanceLeft = Unit.FromPoint(20)

            'Text 2
            Dim text2 As Shapes.TextFrame
            text2 = section.AddTextFrame()
            Dim paragraphtext2 As Paragraph = text2.AddParagraph()
            paragraphtext2.AddText("TEXT IN GRAY CMYK(0, 0, 0, 50)")
            paragraphtext2.AddText(" AND THE RESULT IS CMYK(55, 45, 42, 7)")
            paragraphtext2.Style = "TestFontGray"
            paragraphtext2.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left
            text2.RelativeVertical = Shapes.RelativeVertical.Page
            text2.RelativeHorizontal = Shapes.RelativeHorizontal.Page
            text2.Width = 1000
            text2.Height = 100
            text2.Top = Unit.FromPoint(200)
            text2.WrapFormat.DistanceLeft = Unit.FromPoint(20)

            Const unicode = False
            Const embedding As PdfFontEmbedding = PdfFontEmbedding.Always
            Dim pdfRenderer As PdfDocumentRenderer = New PdfDocumentRenderer(unicode, embedding)
            pdfRenderer.Document = document

            Dim filename As String = sFolderResult & "TEST (" & Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss") & ").pdf"
            pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Options.ColorMode = PdfColorMode.Cmyk
            'RENDER TEST


            LineaLog(INFORMATION, "Generating: PDF TEST ... OK")

        Catch ex As Exception
            LineaLog(PROCESS_ERROR, ex.Message & ex.StackTrace)
            gResult = FIN_PROCESS_ERROR
            If (frm IsNot Nothing) Then
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub

#Region " End "

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
        gRenderImage = Nothing
    End Sub

#End Region

TEST (2017-05-05 11.10.00).zip [23.34 KiB]
Downloaded 812 times

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon May 08, 2017 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca


Above "'Creating the size" would be a good place for
document.UseCmykMode = true
(not sure this is valid VB code)
This is the code you need to tell MigraDoc you want to use CMYK colors.
Without this assignment, all colors will be converted to RGB.

The call "pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Options.ColorMode = PdfColorMode.Cmyk" comes after all pages have been created in RGB mode. AFAIK you can skip calling this since you are using MigraDoc.

Author:  David_MP [ Sun May 14, 2017 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pdfsharp convert cmyk to mixed colors working on graysca

Hi! It works fine with that code!!! Thank you!!
But, one more thing please:
I'm using a cmyk gray background, and over it I'm putting a transparent .PNG picture (in RGB).
It's possible that at last, when the background + PNG are rendered, both are converted in RGB.
In addition, seems the PNG + the background it's a only one structure.
Thank you again!

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